Flair Hotel Deutsches Haus Goldfleck

Flair Hotel Deutsches Haus

Cleanliness & Safety

Relaxed travelling requires trust. We will communicate with you in a transparent way about what we do to make your stay a safe one.

Hygiene is an absolute must in the hotel and restaurant. We do not just comply the regulations, but go the additional mile in order to ensure that you feel good and safe with us during your stay.

Flair Hotel Deutsches Haus Goldfleck

Our hygiene standards

Hygiene concept for entrance area & reception


  1. Guests are informed about the protection and hygiene regulations by means of suitable, clearly visible instructions/pictographs.
  2. Disinfectant dispensers can be found at the entrance and in the toilets.
  3. Clearly visible rules of conduct, use of pictographs.
  4. No cloakroom service is available.
  5. The check-in procedure must take place with distancing between the guest and the receptionist.
  6. Employees and guests wear mouth and nose protection or are separated from each other by Plexiglass panels.
  7. Unfortunately we can no longer provide a fruit basket from which guests can help themselves.
  8. Room keys and cards are disinfected when they are coded.
  9. We would be grateful if our guests would pay contactlessly if possible

Hygiene concept for the restaurant and the gastronomy


  1. The utensils in the kitchen are always washed and cleaned in hot water.
  2. The kitchen staff change their work clothing daily and wash their hands at regular intervals.
  3. They also confirm that they are free of symptoms on a daily basis by providing a signature when they start work.
  4. Guests are positioned such that there is a minimum distance of 1.50 m between persons in accordance with section 2 para. 2 of the SächsCoronaSchVO (Saxony Corona Protection Regulations) whereby attention must also be paid to “distancing” for the service personnel. We trust that you will therefore understand that it may not always be possible to seat you at your usual table.
  5. Glasses and cups are never picked up at the top where you drink from them, but as far down as possible.
  6. Dishwashers are used wherever possible. When dishwashers are used, temperatures above 60 degrees C are used for the cleaning solution and at least 65 degrees for clear rinsing. Warm water is always used when dish washing by hand or using manual dishwashing equipment. Effective tenside / washing up liquid is used during every dish washing procedure.
  7. Crockery and glasses are completely dried before re-use. Tea towels are changed at regular intervals and are not used by more than one person.
  8. After taking away plates and glasses, our service employees must always wash or disinfect their hands.
  9. The wearing of mouth and nose coverings or face masks is obligatory for bar employees and service personnel.
  10. No bar service is available.
  11. We would be grateful if our guests would pay contactlessly wherever possible.
  12. The surface of the cash desk is disinfected at regular intervals, particularly when shift changes take place.
  13. Play rooms or play corners for children shall remain closed.
  14. The breakfast buffet has an antibacterial coating and cough protection above all open food. It is also mobile, in order to maintain sufficient distancing between guests. Disposable gloves are also provided for the guests for self-service at the buffet.
  15. The room air is protected by Oji.Life. Chloratomes in the nano range are distributed in the air. The air is therefore 99.9 % free of bacteria and viruses, and also the Corona virus (COVID19).
Restaurant Deutsches Haus Arendsee
Flair Hotel Deutsches Haus Goldfleck

Our housekeeping

everything that takes place behind the scenes for you…

on the floor


  1. All door handles, light switches and handrails in the public stairways are disinfected at least twice per day.
  2. Employees who come into contact with guests will wear mouth and nose protection or a face mask if the minimum distancing cannot be guaranteed.
  3. The hotel rooms have a digital guest folder. The tablets with telephone functionality are cleaned and disinfected daily. The television and also the room temperature can be operated using these tablets, which means that fewer objects inside the room have to be touched. The tablets also have the latest magazines and newspapers.
  4. In all rooms which open onto the hotel corridor, safety doors have been installed with additional rubber lips which separate the breathing air of the hotel corridor and the hotel rooms when the doors are closed. This prevents air from being exchanged when the door is closed.


in the lift


  1. We ask that our guests always maintain the social distancing regulation of 1.50 m from strangers (§2 SächsCoronaSchVO). Please take the stairs or wait for the next lift before taking a risk.
  2. We have provided visual aids for all social distancing processes for your convenience in the form of pictographs. If you still have questions, feel free to talk to us at any time.
  3. The respective codes of conduct regarding social distancing (§2, para. 1+2) are placed in a clearly visible location for your convenience at the entrance to each floor.


Toilets & sanitary rooms


  1. We provide our guests with hand sanitiser as well as liquid soap.
  2. No hand towels available are available at present, only paper towel dispensers; fixed air dryers may continue to be used.
  3. Regular cleaning cycles (at least every 6 hours, more frequently if required) with verification.
  4. Display of cleaning cycles with cleaning staff signature.
  5. Disinfection of door handles and fittings in the guest toilets every 3 hours.
  6. Maintenance of social distancing, also in sanitary facilities.

This kind of distancing is seldom evident in many hotels, since the staff work behind the scenes. The employees who prepare our rooms are essential to us. A clean and properly prepared room is the essential. This is why we value our housekeeping team so much, since they make a major contribution to our success.

Restaurant Deutsches Haus Arendsee
Flair Hotel Deutsches Haus Goldfleck

Communication with employees & guests

  1. Our employees are regularly tested in accordance with the above-mentioned protective measures and rules of conduct. This is documented on record.
  2. The employer is notified at the first sign of infection and further action is taken if necessary.
  3. We ensure that our team have sufficient protective equipment such as face masks and gloves.
  4. We make liquid soap and disinfectant available for guests and employees at all washbasins.
  5. In the employee’s changing area, work clothes and personal clothes are separated and distancing is required.
  6. All of the current measures and rules of conduct are written up and posted in a clearly visible location in the kitchen or bar area for all employees.
Flair Hotel Deutsches Haus Goldfleck
Flair Hotel Deutsches Haus Goldfleck

Hygiene standards tested by Flair Hotels


Flair Hotels is a hotel cooperative consisting of 42 members. The headquarters of our hotel group checked our hygiene concept and found it to be good. We therefore wear the blue hygiene seal from Flair Hotels with pride. Training is carried out continuously, and we are in constant communication with the Deutschen Hotel- und Gaststättenverband (German Hotel & Restaurant Association) and our headquarters. As soon as new developments take place in technology or the rules of conduct, we will react accordingly and extend our hygiene concept if necessary.

Are you concerned about anything? Just ask us!


Just give us a call or send us an e-mail with your concerns and we will reply as soon as possible.

Do you have any more questions for us or special requirements? Please give us a call or send us an e-mail! We will do our utmost to fulfil your requirements.

+49 (0) 3 93 84 25 00 or +49 (0) 3 93 84 97 30
